Privacy Policy

Privacy policy of this site in compliance with art. 13 of EU GDPR 2016/679


This section describes the management modalities of the personal data collected and managed by Max Application. Through this privacy policy, Max Application explains the modalities of personal data collection and management. Max Application is committed to promote the respect of the citizens’ rights and freedom concerned the personal data protection and to respect the national and European rules governing the use, with particular reference to the Regulations UE-2016/679 (GDPR). As follows is applied to the website

Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

The Data Controller is Max Application S.r.l., with a registered office in Via Bertodano 11, 13900 Biella (BI) Italy. The Data Controller has, furthermore, designated a DPO that you can contact at the email address

Personal data collection

Sending requests by email involves the collection of the email address and any data released by the user in the body of the message.

Purpose of the treatment

Max Application use personal data for the following finalities:

  • To reply to your request sent by email
  • To help us to resolve eventual issues verified with our products or services.

Max Application will use the personal information in the compliance of the finalities previously indicated.

Conservation period of personal data

The personal data supplied by the user are stored for update notification service and for marketing communication, until the interested party explicitly requests their cancellation. In addition, the contact details provided will be kept no later than 2 years from the last contact or active correspondence and in any case no later than your possible cancellation request.

Communication, diffusion and transfer of the data in other countries or international organizations

Max Application may disclose your personal data, without notice, to meet legal requirements in connection with judicial proceedings or investigations by government or police agencies, including criminal investigations, or to meet tax requirements or other requirements, also to (a) comply with the legal procedures applied by Max Application or its website; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of Max Application, and, (c) in the event of a security incident, take actions to protect the safety of users of Max Application or its websites.


Max Application adopts suitable technical and organizational measures to protect personal information from loss, abuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction.
Max Application, takes appropriate measures to ensure that personal information is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete and updated.

Technical measures are adopted to maintain authorization profiles, for example by limiting the access at personal data only to whom that is authorized by the company, and blinding determinate information or giving codes or pseudonyms if the use of real name is not necessary. The employees that have access to personal data have been appointed for the treatment and have been formed.


The site does not use cookies.

Rights of the interested party and claim to the Data Protection Commissioner

You have the right to ask to Max Application the access to the data that regard you, their modify, their integration their cancellation and their limitation, the opposition to their treatment or the portability to another Data Controller. Max Application will reply to you in writing within 30 days. You can revoke, in every moment, the consent in this site, by contacting one of the contact details indicated in the paragraph “Data Controller and Data Protection Officer”. You have, furthermore, to submit a complaint to the Authority of National Control, according to Article 13, paragraph 2, letter. d) GDPR. To exercise the rights provided by law, it is possible to contact the Data Controller calling the number 015 32468 or writing to, or contacting the DPO writing to

Modifies to this informative

Max Application reserves the right to modify or updates this privacy policy in every moment, without notice, communicating only to the interested parties, that have previously given the consent to the treatment, the changes applied in order to give consent again.